My company provides WordPress development and consulting services – feel free to let us know if you have a project you’d like to discuss.


This plugin that creates an integration between your WordPress blog, Twitter and Facebook. It allows you to pull your tweets and Facebook reactions into your blog as comments. You can also broadcast posts and comments out, and users can authenticate via Twitter and Facebook. Social is also a platform that other plugins can leverage.


Twitter Tools

This plugin that creates an integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account. It allows you to pull your tweets into your blog (as posts and digests) and create new tweets on blog posts and from within WordPress.


WordPress Mobile Edition

A mobile/phone/PDA friendly interface for your blog with progressive enhancement for advanced mobile browsers. You can see it in action by visiting this site in a mobile browser (and preview the advanced mobile theme here).


Share This

This plugin will allow your visitors to share your content via social bookmarking sites and/or e-mailing the post to a friend. This supports the Share Icon project. You can see it in action on my blog. For those who want a localizable version or do not like using widgets, the ShareThis Classic plugin is still available.


Link Harvest

This plugin will go through all of your posts and pages and compile a list of all external links. Then it will create a linkroll for you based on your actual linking activity. You can have a full page display (like I do) or a little sidebar display. This is a complicated plugin, make sure you read the README. You can see it in action on my links page.



This plugin allows you to easily present a list of posts you select outside of your blog chronology. Very useful for featuring things that might otherwise slip into the nether regions of your archives. You can see it in action on my Articles page.


Drafts Dropdown

Wish you had quicker access to your draft posts and pages? Tired of having to click Edit / Drafts to get there? Problem solved – the Drafts Dropdown plugin gives you links to all of your drafts on every screen through a handy tab.


Exclude File Type Requests

This plugin allows you to set a list of file extensions that you do not want WordPress to handle 404s for. By default, it includes a list of media types, but you may want to adjust this to suit your needs.


Zannel Tools

This plugin creates a complete integration between your WordPress blog and Zannel. Bring your Zannel Updates into your blog and pass your blog posts back to Zannel.


Shortcut Macros

This plugin allows you to set up shortcuts that expand into longer text when you save a post/page. For example, if you link to my site often, you might create a macro of ak. You type ##ak into a post/page and when you save it will expand to <a href="">Alex King</a>.


Delink Comment Author

This plugin gives you the ability to remove the link a commenter left as their URL without removing the entire comment. A link to do this is added to your new comment e-mail notifications and to the comments list in your admin area.


Category Overload

When managing categories in your WordPress admin interface, Category Overload shows only one level of categories and only 50 per level at a time (paged). It replaces the standard category management interface for WordPress.


Comment License

This plugin shows a license with terms of your choosing in your comments form. You can edit the terms of your license in the options page. You can see it in action on my blog.


Old Post Alert

This plugin shows a “this is old” banner in the comments form when a post is more than a month old. It may help cut down on irrelevant comments on old posts. You can see it in action on my blog.


404 Notifier

This plugin logs 404 hits on your WordPress powered site and will notify you of them via e-mail or in an RSS feed.


WP Unformatted

This allows you to add custom fields to a post to disable auto-formatting and/or auto-smart-quote conversion on a per-post basis.


Tag Uncomplete

This plugin will disable the tag auto-complete feature in WordPress 2.5+.


WP Grins

This plugin allows you to put clickable smilies on your post and comments forms. Can’t remember the right syntax for one of the smilies? Just click on it and it will be inserted right into your post/comment.



This plugin will auto-suggest links to definitions on for words in your blog posts. This was created as a Crowd Favorite project for


Redirect MoveableType to WordPress Template

This is a template you can use to republish your MoveableType blog entries and redirect them all to the imported entries in WordPress.


Popularity Contest

This plugin is no longer supported, but you can fork it on Github.